Pig ears for puppies in the US

pig ear for puppies

I have been giving my dogs pig ears as treats since when they were puppies and my dogs have not had any issue with it.

Over the years, I have bought some pig ears that were not well dried and some that did not really feel like pig ears but I also really got to know some good ones as well.

In this post, we will be looking at the best pig ears for puppies in the US. You should wait till your puppies are up to 3 months before feeding them pig ear treats

When it comes to pig ears for dogs, you should always remember that moderation is key and you should always monitor your puppy and have them available when they are eating treats.

Best pig ears for puppies that you can find in the US

Natural farm’s pig ear slivers for dogs

Natural farm’s pig ear for puppies

Their pig ears are crunchy and my dogs enjoyed them. The ones I bought did not have an odor, these pig ear treats don’t contain preservatives, additives, or hormones.

They say on their site that their pig ears are not bleached or chemically treated but are slowly baked, and from how the pig ears look I believe them.

Their pig ears contain only 100% natural pork which is sourced from Brazil which is okay because I heard South America’s inspection and manufacturing processes are strict. On their site, it shows that they meet FDA and USDA standards.

They ship to all the states in the US and they also have a refund policy for the first 30 days.

Brutus and Barnaby pig ear slivers for dogs

Brutus and Barnaby pig ears for puppies

These pig ears are thick, they are baked and I guess that is why they are too greasy but still crispy which my dogs loved.

On their site, they say their dog treats are free of added chemicals, added hormones, or added antibiotics which from the looks of their pig ears, is very believable.

The pig ears are made in the USA but are sourced from south america (the particular state is usually on the pack), they have a money-back guarantee, and they said on their site that they don’t bleach their pig ears.

123  pig ear strips for dogs

123  pig ears for puppies

These pig ears are baked and are very natural, it is stated on their site that the pig ears are hormone-free, preservative-free, and coloring-free.

The only ingredients in this treats are pig ears which are sourced from Brazil and Colombia.

The Natural Dog Company pig ear slivers

The Natural Dog Company pig ear for puppies

These pig ears are dried and baked, they are crunchy and when my dogs were puppies they liked the taste.

From the way the pig ears look and smell, I don’t think they have preservatives, additives, or homes. 

They do not make the pig ears themselves but they say that they sought their pig ears from trusted suppliers. The pig ears for puppies are made from 100% pig ears and they are made in Germany

FAQs about pig ears for puppies

Are dried pig ears safe for puppies?

Well, I won’t say they are entirely safe because just like other treats your puppy may try to swallow a large portion whole, so you should always supervise them and make sure they always have water available.

Can puppies eat pig ears every day?

I don’t advise that puppies should eat pig ears every day, it has a significant amount of fat, and giving it to your dog as a treat every day is not safe because it can increase your dog’s chances of having pancreatitis.

What age can puppies have pig ears?


I would say, from about 3 months your puppy should be able to eat safely.

Are pig ears treats good for puppies?

Yes, if you give your puppy pig ear treats occasionally then there would be no problem because they are good for dogs in moderation.

Are pig ears good for teething puppies?

I don’t recommend you feed pig ears to teething puppies because of the texture and size of pig ears, they are not ready for that yet.

how often can I give my dog pig ears?

Giving them a moderate portion of pig ears once every week or two weeks is good.

Can puppies digest pig ears?

Yes, puppies have no problem digesting pig ears.

Are pig ear dog treats really dog ears?

Yes, if you buy a good pig ear dog treat, they are 100% natural pig ears.

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Important information


I am not a vet, any advice shared in this post is from my personal experience, deep research, and advice from dog parents, and vets in the Reddit and Facebook dog groups and dog forums that I am a member of.

A Lot of dog parents don’t know the best pig ears for puppies in the US, so if this post was helpful to you, please share it with people or groups that might need it.

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