Dog bad breath – the causes and natural remedies

Sometimes you may be playing with your dog then you just perceive a very bad smell from their mouth and it just kills the mood, I understand because I have been in that kind of situation.

Most times the cause of bad breath in dogs is caused by bad bacteria in the mouth that causes decay and when things decay they release sulfur compounds which produce that bad smell.

When a dog has bad breath, I tell the parents to also check for tartar and secondary gingivitis and if their dog has them, I advise them to take the dog for a dental scale and polish.

But most time, you need to wait about two months to get your dog for a dental. Secondarily, there are many dogs with minimal amounts of plaque and tartar that still have this bad breath because it is mostly bacteria that causes that bad breath.

I will be giving you some natural remedies that would help reduce the bacteria and secondarily decrease the odor.

If after using the remedies as instructed for a given time you don’t see any changes, you should see your doctor without hesitating because bad breath can be caused by more serious things.

Other serious causes of very bad breath are diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, or oral tumors.

I also advise that if your dog’s breath is bad, they should drink more water.

Mint, parsley, and coconut oil

chop one tablespoon of mint and a tablespoon of parsley. Both the parsley and the mint and the mint have antibacterial properties and both of them produce a very fresh smell.

Put two spoons of solid coconut oil on a small deep plate, Put the chopped mint and parsley and mix it.

Take a bit of the concussion with your finger and rub it on the top and bottom of your dog’s gums, along the tooth line and you can give a medium-sized dog a teaspoon to eat.

Apple cider vinegar and honey for dog breath

Put one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of honey in a cup. Both honey and apple cider vinegar have antibacterial properties.

The amount you mix in the cup is an amount given to a standard 10 -20 lb dog two to three times a day.

Your dog may be reluctant to drink it because it is sharp and acidic but you should try to force them.

Topical aloe

A lot of dentists ask people with gingivitis to use aloe vera because it helps reduce inflammation and bacteria.

If you have an aloe plant at home you can get a little get from it and apply it to your dog’s gums.

But if you don’t have a plant, you can get yourself a commercial aloe product and apply it topically to your dog’s mouth for 7 -14 days, then check if it is helping.

Colloidal silver for dog bad breath

Colloidal silver is microscopic amounts of silver suspended in water and it has antibacterial properties.

Get the one in a spray bottle, and spray it on top of the mouth, at the bottom of the mouth, the left side, and the right side.

You can safely spray you can 4 quirts on a medium-sized dog twice a day, do it for one or two weeks, and see if it is beneficial.

You can try some of these and see which one will work for your dog.

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Important information


I am not a vet, any advice shared in this post is from my personal experience, deep research, and advice from dog parents, and vets in the Reddit and Facebook dog groups and dog forums that I am a member of.

A Lot of dog parents don’t know the causes and natural remedies for Dog bad breath, so if this post was helpful to you, please share it with people or groups that might need it.

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