Best plant based dog food for longevity

plant based dog food review

There have been a lot of request for me to do a review on plant based dog food. The thing is that I don’t feed my dogs plant based foods, not because I don’t like it but because my dogs are doing well on their current food.

Nevertheless, I would be reviewing plant based dog food because people have asked and are expecting me to deliver.

I have friends who feed their dogs plant based foods and their dogs thrive on them, I have also done some research and asked some vets some certain questions to make sure I deliver a good review post.

From what I have gathered a good plant based dog food should be high in protein, it should have a lower amount of fat and fiber, and it should not be too high in carbs.

At the end of this post, you will pick the plant based food that is best for your dog, sit back and enjoy.

Best plant based dog food (dry foods)

First choice

V- dog kibble

v dog kibble

I put this as my first choice because I have two friends who use this and their dogs look amazing and healthy.

There are also a lot of good reports about this plant based dog food on Reddit and Facebook.  I found a lot of good reviews about this dog food on different sites. People have said it helps stop allergies and itching, and firm up their dog food, and some people have said their dog got healthier while on this dog food.

I checked the protein content and it is not low, the fats and fiber are not high(which is a good thing), and other nutrients are in place.

ingredients ( please zoom)

It does not contain corn, wheat, or soy for those with dogs that might be allergic to it.

It has small-sized kibble for small-breed dogs.

Caloric content: ME 3300 kcal per kg , 363 kcal per cup.

From my research, they have been dedicated to making better dog foods made with only plants since 2005 and have not flopped since.

Other good choices

Omni plant based dog food

This plant based food also has good reports from the people I asked and from Reddit and Facebook.

I love that is it significantly high in protein with a 30% of protein on its guaranteed analysis, the fat, fiber, and other nutrients are in an amount that is okay by me.

The food is vet formulated and formulated but I did not see anything on their site that said they were FDA-approved.

This dog food is made in the UK and there are different versions of the food for different ages. They have puppy food, adult food, and senior food.

Evolution diet dog kibble

Evolution diet dog kibble

This dog food was mentioned among the people I asked, whose dogs were doing well on a plant-only diet, and people on Reddit and Twitter had good things to say about it.

It contains a significant amount of protein which sits well with me. From the guaranteed analysis, it contains 30 % protein. I was also pleased with the amount of the other nutrients in this plant-based dog food such as the fat, protein, and the rest.

It is formulated for all stages and it is made in the US.

They won the Best Pick award for the finest pet food and health science procedures for internal diseases in the 2022 Animal Wellness Magazine.

They have two flavors, the evolution diet gourmet ultra life with organic & Non- GMO ingredients dog kibble, the gourmet fondue dog kibble, and the gourmet pasta dog kibble.

Caloric content: 390 kcal per cup.

Wild Earth dog kibble

This dog food was among the foods the dog parent who feeds their dog plant-only dog food recommended because their dog was thriving on it.

I did some research and concluded that it is a good dog food. People on the dog Reddit group I belong to, have good testimonies about it too.

It has a significant amount of protein that I approve of and the fat, fibers, and other nutrients are in good amounts.  It contains prebiotic fibers and healthy fats.

They have two formulas for this food; the performance formula which is for younger dogs and the maintenance formula which is for older dogs.

The performance formula has two flavors; the classic roast flavor and the golden rotisserie flavour.

Halo holistic plant-based recipe

Halo holistic plant-based dog food recipe

This was also one of the foods that got mentioned a lot by dog parents who feed their dogs plant based dog food and after doing my research I found it worthy.

It has a significant amount of protein which I am pleased with, the fat, fibre, and other nutrients are also in amounts that I am pleased with.

It does not contain corn, wheat, or soy for those with dogs that might be allergic to it. This food contains prebiotics, probiotics, and postbiotics.

They have two flavors; the holistic plant-based with kelp vegan dog food and the holistic plant based with Superfoods vegan dog food.  Both flavors are for adult dogs.

Best plant based dog food (wet food)

first choice

V- dog wet dog food

V- dog also has wet food, I found out when I was researching their dry food on their site. The amount of protein is okay by me, and the amounts of other nutrients are good too.

It does not contain corn, wheat, or soy for those with dogs that might be allergic to it. It is formulated for both puppies and adult dogs.

Calorie content: 370 kcal per 13oz can, 1010 kcal per 1kg.

Other good choices

Omni plant based dog food

Omni plant based dog food

I talked about their dry food in this post and it turns out they have wet food, I decided to check it out and it was good.

The protein is in a good amount; not low and not too high, and the fat, fiber, and other nutrients are in the right amount.

There are two flavors of this dog food; the No-beef casserole and the No chicken pot pie

Caloric Content: No chicken pot pie – 88.2 kcal per 100g, No beef casserole – 99.9 kcal per 100g.

Evolution diet wet food

Evolution diet wet food

Just like the previous wet food, this wet food also has a dry food I researched before I discovered it and just like its dry food, it is good too.

It contains a good amount of protein, and the fat, fiber, and other nutrients are in the right amount.

There are three flavors of this wet food; the gourmet extra life with organic ingredients, the gourmet entrée, and the gourmet vegetable stew.

Their foods are for both dogs and cats, so don’t be confused when you go to their site and can’t find “dog” wet food.

Halo holistic plant based wet food recipe

This wet food was also found while I was doing research on their dry food and it is up to standard like its dry food.

This wet plant based food has lower protein compared to the other wet foods but it is fine and it is not too low, I am okay with the amount of the other nutrients in the food.

It is only one flavour I  found throughout my research, so I assume that is the only one they have.

Caloric content: 1,029 kcal/kg, 161 kcal/can 5.5 0z (156g), 380 kcal/can 13 0z (368g)


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Important information


I am not a vet, any advice shared in this post is from my personal experience, deep research, and advice from dog parents, and vets in the Reddit and Facebook dog groups and dog forums that I am a member of.

A Lot of dog parents don’t know the plant based dog foods that are safe and they are having a hard time finding them, so if this post was helpful to you, please share it with people or groups that might need, support vegan feeding today!

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