PUPPY IMPETIGO Overview|Signs & Symptoms|Causes|Treatment

What Is Puppy Impetigo?

Puppy impetigo is an infection caused by bacteria such as staphylococcus, also called staph infection.

These staphylococcus consist of different strains which can affect your puppy.

Some strains can spread fast on your puppy’s skin and are resistant to antibiotics, making them hard to eliminate.

Impetigo may start as an itchy red rash that can occur on any area without hair on your puppy.

When your puppy scratches the area of impetigo, the blisters break causing a very painful sensation.

Types of Puppy Impetigo

There are three types of impetigo you can find in your puppy. Some impetigo are worse than the others.

Surface pyoderma

As implied by its name, this impetigo only affects the top layer of skin of your puppy and occurs where there is no hair.

It is not that serious and usually goes away on its own.

What does Surface pyoderma puppy look like?

What puppy Surface pyoderma {puppy impetigo} look like

Superficial bacterial folliculitis

This type of infection has the ability to affect areas of the skin with hair and it could also affect skin folds.

A dosage of antibiotics can stop the infection from spreading further.

What does superficial bacterial folliculitis in puppies look like?

What puppy superficial bacterial folliculitis {puppy impetigo} look like?

Deep pyoderma

When your puppy with impetigo excessively scratches, it allows the infection to get deep into the layers of tissue.

This infection can keep getting worse if not treated properly.

I advice that you get your puppy examined by a professional, just to be on safe side.

What does Deep pyoderma in puppies look like?

What puppy Deep pyoderma {puppy impetigo} look like
What  Deep pyoderma looks like

Signs and Symptoms of Puppy Impetigo

Small patches of inflamed skin

Areas of skin having acne or rash

Scratching, biting, and licking areas of infection

Skin Infection

Crust and Scales

Pus filled blisters

      Hair loss


Weight loss

How Does The Start of Puppy Impetigo Look Like?

Puppy impetigo begins as a red, itchy sore. When it begins to heal, there is a formation of a crusty, yellow or “honey-colored” scab over the sore.

Symptoms include red, itchy sores that break open and leak a clear fluid or pus for a few days.

After that,a crusty yellow or “honey-colored” scab forms over the sore, and it then heals without leaving a scar.

How Does a Puppy Contract Impetigo?

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As we know, impetigo is a bacterial skin infection and there are different ways your puppy can contract bacterial skin infection.

Bacterial skin infection occurs when the surface of your puppy’s skin has been broken, the skin has become injured as a result of chronic exposure to moisture, the normal skin bacteria of your puppy have been altered or changed, the blood flow to your puppy’s  skin has become impaired, or your puppy’s  immune system has been suppressed.

Also, puppies that stay in unsanitary environment are more prone to puppy impetigo.

Internal and external parasites and fungi could increases the risk of puppy developing impetigo.

When ticks and fleas bite your puppy, it can also cause open wounds, making your puppy more vulnerable to a bacterial skin infection.

Another factor that can increase the risk of your puppy contracting impetigo, is thin fur.

Puppies don’t have as much fur as older dogs, which makes their skin more exposed. The body parts of your puppy that has thin skin and little fur (like the groin or belly) is particularly prone to impetigo.

How Long Does Puppy Impetigo Last?

Basic impetigo treatment lasts up to four weeks for a course of oral antibiotics, antibiotic topical spray, or medicated shampoo.

Can Other Puppies Contract Impetigo From One Puppy?

Puppy impetigo cannot be spread from on puppy to another. So, there would be no need to separate your puppies, if you have more than one.

Your puppies can enjoy a walk to the dog park, a play date with their other fury friends and other activities that which has to do with socialization with other animals.

puppies playing despite

Can Humans Contract Puppy Impetigo?

Although when impetigo develops in humans, it can spread from one person to another.

But when a puppy has impetigo, a human cant contact it from the puppy.

So, don’t worry, you could still play with your puppy, pat them and engage in other fun activities with them.

Although, I don’t really recommend you give them cuddles, because with the sores, rashes and lesions on their body, a cuddle might be painful for them.

I also recommend you wash your hands after playing with your puppy, because why not?, it would not be bad to practice good hygiene.

Will Puppy Impetigo Go away On Its Own?

Impetigo usually resolves on its own without treatment in around two to three weeks.

But what if it doesn’t ?, I recommend you get early treatment if you notice your puppy has impetigo because it can reduce the length of the illness to around seven to 10 days and  the risk of the infection being spread to other parts of your puppy’s body is lowered.

Without prompt treatment, puppy impetigo can spread to other areas, which can cause hair loss, deep tissue infection, and even weight loss.

Treatments for Puppy Impetigo

We shall be looking at treatments for puppy impetigo, which include over-the-counter treatment and home remedies.

Over-The-Counter Treatment for Puppy Impetigo 

Medicated puppy shampoo

There are a lot of medicated shampoos that can be used to treat puppy impetigo.

I advise that you watch out for the content of the shampoos, if your puppy has allergies to any shampoo ingredient.

An allergic reaction while your puppy has impetigo would be really bad and tough for your puppy.

I advise that you contact your vet, they should be able to guide you on which shampoo would be best for your puppy, though from my knowledge, dog shampoos with benzoyl peroxide, ethyl lactate, and chlorhexidine would be very effective and would work faster.

Antibiotic ointment

Antibiotic ointments are very effective in treating puppy impetigo and are best if you have little areas affected by impetigo.

They slow down or stop the growth of the bacteria. They reduce the swelling, redness, and itching by activating natural substances in the skin.

Your veterinarian may prescribe some topical creams or ointment such as mupirocin, neomycin, and polymyxin.

Oral Antibiotics

Oral antibiotics are best when the impetigo has spread to a lot of area on your puppy’s body.

The oral antibiotics have to be taken regularly for an extended period of weeks.

erythromycin, cephalexin, or clindamycin are the systematic antibiotics that your vet would probably prescribe for your puppy’s impetigo which would be prescribed for 6-8 weeks.

Sometimes, it can take more than one round of antibiotics for the impetigo to clear away finally because some bacteria might become resistant.

Natural Home Remedy/Treatment for Puppy Impetigo

I only recommend this natural remedies if the infection is just starting and has not spread to a lot of areas on your puppy’s skin.

I would prefer you use over the counter treatment for your puppy’s impetigo.

Aloe Vera

A 2015 study tested aloe extract in a cream alongside neem oil. In the result it was shown that there was activity against Staphylococcus aureus as an antimicrobial when tested in a lab.

 This is a common bacteria strain that is responsible for impetigo.Aloe may also help reduce the dryness and itching of impetigo.

 Applying aloe gel directly from an aloe plant leaf to the skin works best. An ointment containing a high amount of aloe extract would also work.

Neem Oil

Neem is an Indian tree closely related to mahogany. Oil extracted from the bark of this tree is a popular alternative used for skin treatment.

Neem is usually used for skin conditions that are caused by insects like those that can result from lice or flea infestation.

It also appears to be effective against certain bacteria, including strains that cause impetigo.

One 2011 study showed it had activity against Staphylococcus bacteria. A 2013 study showed similar results against the two strains of bacteria that cause impetigo.

 Follow the label directions provided with a neem oil product.

I advice you test the neem oil, on one spot on your puppy for 3 days and if your puppy doesn’t have a reaction or irritation to it, then you could continue to use it.

Tea Tree Oil

Today, tea tree is one of the most widely used alternative natural skin treatments.

It also proves effective in treating impetigo. In fact, impetigo was named one of many bacterial skin conditions which tea tree oil treats, in a major 2017 dissertation review.

Tea tree oil is available in abundance as an essential oil.

Dilute a few drops in water (two to three drops per ounce), and apply the solution as a topical wash on impetigo sores.

I advice you test the tea tree oil, on one spot on your puppy for 3 days and if your puppy doesn’t have a reaction or irritation to it, then you could continue to use it.

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