Fever in puppies – Things you need to know,to save your puppy’s life.

puppy fever

When my puppy first had a fever, I was new to being a puppy parent and was ignorant of a lot of things.

It was scary for me but with the help of the advice I got from Reddit communities about fever in puppies my puppy survived.

After discussions with some vets, I have decided to write this post to share their advice about puppy fever and the knowledge I have gotten from experience.

In this post, I would be enlightening you on the causes and symptoms of puppy fever.

I would also be sharing natural remedies and home remedies for puppy fever and also ways to care for your puppy with fever.

how to know if your puppy has a fever?

fever in puppies

The normal temperature for a puppy is 101.50f +/- 10f or 38.50C +/- 10C.

If your puppy’s temperature is 1030f and above or 39.50C, your puppy is said to have a fever.

How to check if your puppy has a fever

The first thing you should do if you suspect your dog has fever is to check their temperature.

The best way I suggest to check their temperature is by using a rector digital thermometer.

rector digital thermometer

It is not expensive, it cost about $10 and I advise that every dog owner should have it.

How to use the rector digital thermometer to check your puppy’s temperature.

You need to wait the full minute for the thermometer to beep.

Then apply some lubricant to the tip of the thermometer and gently insert it into your dog’s rectum.

It doesn’t have to go in deep, just make sure the tip is inserted fully.

Wait until the temperature stops rising then you could pull it out and check the temperature.

temperature during fever

Symptoms of fever in puppies

Well, the biggest thing you would notice is that your puppy would seem off.

They would not be strong as they use to be, they won’t move around as they use to and they may be sleeping a lot.

The ear tips of puppies with fever are usually very warm or hot. So, I suggest you feel your puppy’s ear tips.

check dog ear for fever

Their groins too would be very warm, you should feel their groins too.

Puppies with fever usually stop drinking water and experience a decrease in appetite.

Puppies with fever would also experience a loss of energy and enthusiasm.

I suggest that you know the normals of your dog so you can tell when something is off with them.

Causes of fever in puppies

Causes of fever in puppies

Fever in puppies typically occurs when your puppy has a bacterial or viral infection and your puppy’s body tries to alleviate its temperature to make it difficult for the bacteria to multiply.

Most times when puppies have a fever, you would find a puncture wound or a bite wound in some part of their body.

I suggest you should look inside their ears for any sign of infection or wounds and also look in their mouths.

Fever could also be caused by some illnesses such as parvovirus and urinary tract infections.


parvo virus fever

Parvovirus is a highly contagious viral disease that causes serious gastrointestinal illness in your puppy.

It is common in dogs younger than five months.

Parvovirus usually causes fever in puppies, fever caused by parvovirus is accompanied by abdominal pain, bloating, and diarrhea.

So, if you notice those symptoms I suggest you see your vet.

Urinary tract infection

urinary tract infection

This is an infection in your puppy’s urinary tract that causes your puppy to strain, whine, or cry out while urinating.

Urinary tract infection could cause fever, other symptoms include bloody or cloudy urine and frequent urination.

Home remedies for fever in puppies

95% curcumin for puppy fever

curcumin 95

It is a great natural medicine that works as an anti-viral and anti-bacterial agent.

It can help boost your puppy’s immunity and it also reduces inflammation.

Curcumin helps reduce symptoms of fever, enhances your puppy’s recovery, and improves your puppy’s performance.

Dose: 100mg per 10lbs, once daily.

Colloidal silver

Colloidal silver helps fight against bacteria and viruses and it also helps boost your immune system.

Dose: ½ teaspoon per 20lbs, once daily.

I suggest you always have these remedies at home so you won’t panic when your puppy has a fever.

Natural remedies for fever in puppies


elderberry for puppy fever

Elderberry is one of nature’s most versatile solutions for a lot of illnesses.

There are more than 25 types of elderberry trees on the planet.

The elderberry trees in Europe are the ones more closely associated with health and healing.

The elderberry tree has been used since way back in 400 BC. It was called the “medicine chest” by Hippocrates, the father of medicine.

elderberry tree

Today elderberry is considered one of the most healing plants.

Elderberry has antiviral and antipyretic properties which can reduce fever.

It was traditionally used to help bring down the fever.

The berries and flowers of the elderberry are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that would boost your puppy’s immune system.

Dose: ½ teaspoon per 10lbs, twice a day.


honey for puppy fever

Honey is an effective antibacterial.

People have testified that honey help reduces fever in their puppies.

I recommend that you give your puppy raw honey for that is the best type and I suggest nates honey is the best.

nates natural honey for fever

Dose: ½ teaspoon per 20 lbs, twice a day.

A very effective way to relieve your puppy from fever is by mixing elderberry and honey with a little bit of hot water in the same dosage I have listed above.

Cannabidiol oil for puppy fever

Cannabidiol oil

Cannabidiol is anti-inflammatory and is a natural fever reducer.

It is completely natural and safe for dogs.

Dose : 3mg per 10lbs, twice a day.

I suggest you always have these remedies at home so you won’t panic when your puppy has a fever.

How to take care of a puppy with a fever

taking care of puppy with fever

Regardless of what you are going to use to remedy your puppy’s fever, you should make sure to provide supportive care.

Make sure your puppy is not getting dehydrated. This may mean that your puppy should be getting some additional fluids into them.

This could be done by giving it something oily or some type of electrolyte solution such as pedialytes.

pedialyte for puppy fever

If that does not work well it may mean giving your puppy something under their skin like subcutaneous fluids.

You could also consult your vet especially if you don’t see any reduction in your puppy,s fever after trying some of the remedies.

puppy fever

In a year a lot of puppies around the world die of fever and one of the reasons is that the puppy parents are not well knowledgeable about fevers.

I hereby urge you to share this post to save a puppy’s life.

Frequently asked questions about fever in puppies

How long does a puppy fever last?

With the remedies I provide above, your puppy’s fever should last for 24 – 48 hours. I suggest you monitor your puppy to make sure the fever breaks.

Can a puppy get a fever from teething?

Yes, your puppy can develop a fever because of teething.

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